Art Factory offers Fine Art based lessons with Design-based projects, set throughout the term. This practical approach to art lessons in Mississauga or Milton, serves to instill solid art and design fundamentals, in all of our students.
We encourage students to explore both disciplines and will expose them to a wide variety of art media and projects. Lessons start with a brief but important Art History lesson, followed by a practical lesson.
Students will focus on traditional sketching/shading and painting projects, and move on to projects on animation, costume design, graphic design, product design, etc...
This is where 2D Fine Art meets 3D Design.
Our Art Classes

Qualified, Experienced Teachers with BA/MA
Degrees in Fine Art or Design.

Art Factory is a practical approach to Art which encourages students to explore their 2D and 3D skills.
In Studio Art Lessons
Limited spaces are available. Please contact us to be added to the waitlist.